2024 was a truly catastrophic election campaign in Wales for the Conservative (& Unionist) Party, where it lost all its MPs for the Westminster Parliament. To happen once would be a short term blip for the party, for it to happen three times inside 25 years is a sign of far deeper issues.

Thankfully the historian and author Dr Sam Blaxland has recently published the most significant work on the history of the party in Wales (link below) and joins us on this pod to discuss the complicated relationship the party has had with Wales since the Second World War and into the era of national devolution to Wales.

Sam can be found online here: https://twitter.com/SamBlaxland 

Sam's excellent book can be found here: https://www.uwp.co.uk/book/the-conservative-party-in-wales-1945-1997/

And finally, Sam delivered a presentation on his book hosted by Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre, which can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/-1_CsvIUyXc

As always, you can find the latest from us @hiraethpod on most social media, including Twitter/X here: twitter.com/HiraethPod

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