In this pod we're joined by Jess Blair of the Electoral Reform Society Cymru and Professor Laura McAllister of Cardiff University who chaired the 2017 Expert Panel on Assembly Electoral Reform.

We discuss the challenges facing the parties as they campaign for an election which may, or may not, happen in May and try to engage with the enlarged electorate which includes 16 and 17 year-olds and qualified foreign nationals for the first time. We also look ahead to the prospects of Senedd reform post-election and whether the parties will finally grasp the challenge of building the parliament that Wales needs.

You can find the education. support packs that Jess mentions here:
- Online resources free to use for the election:
- ProjectVote for a parallel election for 11-15 year olds:

and find our guests on Twitter:
ERS Cymru:
Jess Blair:
Laura McAllister:

and, of course, us:

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