The British union is under a lot of strain thanks to the tension between growing independence movements in Wales and Scotland and the post-2016 UK Government's brand of muscular unionism which offers a rigid and inflexible vision of centralised authority in the UK. Adding to these pressures are the implications of Brexit, specifically with regards Northern Ireland and its relationship with both Ireland and the UK.

For those who want to see the union persist and thrive, structural reform is one of the best hopes for the future. As we await the publication of Gordon Brown's long-expected proposals for the UK Labour Party to adopt and the report of the Welsh Government's own commission led by Laura McAllister and Rowan Williams, others, including our guests, are making their own proposals.

Joining us to discuss their slightly differing visions of a confederal British union are:
- Professor Jim Gallagher:
Honorary professor at Glasgow University and the University of St. Andrew’s and a former senior civil servant in UK and Scottish Governments, including a period in the No 10 Policy Unit advising on devolution under prime minister Gordon Brown 2007-2010
- Glyndwr Cennydd Jones:
Fellow of the Institute for Welsh Affairs and longstanding advocate for greater cross-party consensus in Wales and for a UK-wide constitutional convention

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