In this pod, our first live podcast recording, we discuss the state of the relationships between UK and Welsh/Scottish governments and the effect Brexit and the personalities of successive UK administrations has had on the effectiveness of government.

We hosted this live event on the week that Gordon Brown produced his proposals for reforming the governance of the UK, so we discuss those proposals and how the Welsh dimension is addressed (or not). We also discuss the interim report from the Welsh Government’s Independent Commission of the Constitutional Future of Wales and its decision to focus on three alternative visions for Wales: entrenched devolution, federalism, and independence.

Ceri and Matt are joined by Prof Richard Wyn Jones of Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre to discuss and answer questions from the audience, as well as reflect on our previous podcast on the Welsh and Scottish independence campaigns with Gerry Hassan, Will Hayward, and Jess Blair.

Our pod on the Welsh/Scottish Independence Campaigns:
The Gordon Brown Report:
The Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales interim report:
The Welsh Budget Outlook from the Wales Governance Centre:

Our guest, Prof Richard Wyn Jones:
This episode is also available as a video here:

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