Eddie Murphy appeared to have the best time of his life during his return to Saturday Night Live—his first as host since 1984—and naturally, his appearance was not without controversy.

During his opening monologue, Murphy referenced Bill Cosby’s sexual assault conviction, for which he was sentenced to at least three years in prison.

“But if you would have told me 30 years ago that I would be this boring, stay-at-home...house dad and Bill Cosby would be in jail, even I would have took that bet,” Murphy said before uttering the following using a Cosby impersonation, “Who is America’s Dad now?”“Mr. Cosby became the first Black to win an Emmy for his role in I Spy and Mr. Cosby broke color barriers in the Entertainment Industry, so that Blacks like Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappell[e] [sic], Kevin Hart and et al., could have an opportunity to showcase their talents for many generations to come,” Cosby’s spokesperson Andrew Wyatt said in a statement obtained by CNN. “It is sad that Mr. Murphy would take this glorious moment of returning to SNL and make disparaging remarks against Mr. Cosby. One would think that Mr. Murphy was given his freedom to leave the plantation so that he could make his own decisions, but he decided to sell himself back to being a Hollywood Slave. Stepin Fetchit plus cooning equals the destruction of Black Men in Hollywood.”