How Are You? No really, how are you?

In such scary and unpredictable times, I really want to ask how you are and how you are getting on and coping? Are you ok?

Before describing the episode, a little message that I really hope can help

We are all going through so many struggles in our everyday lives, especially now at such a scary time, and if ever you need to talk, just give me a shout and I'll be here to chat and discuss anything you like or need to make you feel better - You can reach me on:

[email protected] 

We're all in this together, and from the bottom of my heart, just know that things will be better soon :) 

For this episode, I decided that wanted to freestyle on the spot and discuss what is happening throughout the World right now, whilst introducing a brand new challenge of mine called #TheGratefulChallenge - Below is from a recent Facebook Post discussing what it is about and a Link to the Facebook page in which you can submit your challenges:

"After last nights emotional moment with everyone clapping for our amazing NHS and with everything that is happening in the World right now, I thought of a question that I wanted to ask everyone, and that is – What are you Grateful for?

So I thought I’d set a challenge for everyone, and that is #TheGratefulChallenge - For this challenge, I wanted people to record themselves and talk about things that they are grateful and thankful for, finishing off by adding the hashtag #TheGratefulchallenge - You can submit your challenges using the link below:

I hope that following this challenge, people can really focus on those things that are truly important and not take anything for granted, such as our family, our friends, health, education, music and so much more

Good luck xxx"

Peace and love to you all


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