James 1:13-18: Summary:
For James, the Christian life is the tried life. Trial is of two broad sorts: external pressures (1:2-11) and internal principalities at war (1:13-27). James doesn't want us to be deceived. Temptation to sin, bringing forth death, originates from within us. We're tempted with evil when our desires, corrupted by sin, convince us the evil is desirable. We are our own worst enemy. No one is responsible for one's spiritual demise but the person themselves. Don't be deceived. God's the Savior of sinners. While, by nature, our desire is for sin, God's desired and, therefore, willed to bring us forth through the Word of truth that, above nature, we might live to God. The new birth frees our desires, infuses them with light and life and truth, so that, when temptation to sin arises, love for God is there to put away sin for 'the righteousness that God requires.'

Semon Outline:

Don't be deceived, we are the sinners by nature. (1:13-16)
Don't be deceived, God's saved us to live above nature. (1:16-18)