Season 3 Premier of #HimAndHerTalk now backed by MP3 Waxx Music is joined by up and coming Florida artist Seddy Hendrinx on Floridaboy Music and signed by DJ Drama to Generation Now. Him and Her DJs LP and Trey Nice speak on the latest current events and COVID updates throughout the nation. NYs latest firearms possession, Young Thug and Gunna generous donation, the latest outrage in Miami during Spring Break, Delaware residents remains found in Puerto Rico Karlie Redd’s latest love interest, a shocking captive discovery in Houston, and the Oscars are some of the topics covered by them. They also speak on the latest TV/ Movie/Music out. Don’t miss they’re weekly TOP MUSIC PICKS of the latest songs to get in tune with. They speak with Seddy about his career abs latest XXL Magazine Freshman Class nomination and ask what a “PERFECT Relationship” looks like in his opinion for #RelationshipTalk. We also play the game 💍MARRY, SMASH😈 or PASS🗑. Subscribe! Comment! Repost! Share! Enjoy! Like!


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