James Connolly is a stand-up comedian and former marine who attended Harvard. He and Dawn have a remarkably jovial time HILF-ing the history of Dooms Day. Because we have been predicting the End of the World for time immemorial, Dawn breaks it down  into:

The Faith-based Theories on the end of the world.The Science-based TheoriesThe Great Take-Backs - Not only those very specific predictions through history (IE: Y2K, Mayan Calendar) but the stories of those who pin-pointed a specific date for the End, and then ventured second, third and even more guesses when existence stubbornly persists. (There are more than you think.)


Read more about ancient cuneiform tablets. See what they look like and how we were able to read them. 

This will tell you more about human's endless obsession with the apocalypse. 

This will tell you more about The Millerites and The Great Disappointment.

FULL TRANSCRIPT -- EP32: Dooms Day with James Connolly. 


NEXT EPISODE - March 15th - Alcoholics Anonymous, AA with comedian - Jason Ryan 

HILF is now part of The DEN - Deluxe Edition Network. Go there to find your NEXT favorite podcast!

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