About 40 people joined Dawn and special guest, Rachel Scanlon in The Glendale Room for a night of comedy, history and Lesbians!

Not included in the recording, was the first part of the live show which featured stand-up comedy from Ryan Ripple [Guest from 'THE F WORD - EP. 6 &7] and Rachel Scanlon. We learned a lot about Rachel during her set, including that she has hit some impressive weight-loss milestones over the past year.

Listeners join the live audience as Dawn and Rachel sit down together on a lush love-seat, surrounded by books and prepare themselves for the HILF-ing ahead:


00:04:00 - Dawn brings everyone up to speed on how the two first met - and why it felt like love at first sight. Rachel tells us about a recent adventure she had with her mom - during which they ate cannabis and talked about sex! Dawn discusses her relationship with homosexuality, and when she realized she was straight. 

00:13:14 - Dawn lays out her plan for the HILF-ing of Lesbians: to begin with the first historical reference and then a few of her favorite moments that bring us right up to today. 


00:14:04 - CHAPTER ONE: The OG Lesbian, Sappho of Lesbos. 

We hear the tale of this ancient, Pagen poetess who was world-famous but whose sexuality was only a 'big deal' long after her death. A string of leaders within the growing Christian movement aspired to burn Sappho and all of her poetry from the historical record. They largely succeeded, unfortunately, a few poems and a few portions of other poems have survived. Dawn reads a brief portion of one and it gets steamy!


00:25:18 - CHAPTER TWO: The Lesbian Sex Wars.

Dawn brings us forward in time several hundred years to America in 1970's and the midst of the Civil Rights Movement. As several varying groups of minorities are organizing and fighting for freedom and representation, a bizarre rift developed among the Women's Right's Movement. On the one side were the Radical Feminists like Catharine A MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin who are anti-porn and anti-kink. On the other, a group of BDSM-leather-loving women who called themselves the Lesbian Sex Mafia. They squared off in 1982 at the Barnard College Conference on Sexuality... I know, to be a fly on the wall, right


00:38:04 - CHAPTER THREE: Dykes on Bikes.

After some 'cunt-a-linquistics' of the origin of the word 'dyke' Dawn tells the story of how the famous motorcycle club, Dykes on Bikes came to be. It, like leather and motorcycle culture among men, grew out of World War 2 and the individuals who found themselves on the forefront of the mechanics and technology of these relatively new machines. 

 In 2006 the motorcycle club known as Dykes on Bikes won their suit against the US Patent Office which refused the registration of their trademark due to a "slur" in the title. They successfully argued that 'Dyke' is not a slur - and if it is regarded so, it is not held as such within the community. They later assisted an Asian-American band called 'Tan and the Slants' win their case in 2017.


NEXT EPISODE - July 20th, 2022: 

EP20 - THE HILF ORGY is a mash-up of never-before-heard segments from previous HILF episodes, and it will be the last episode of our first season. HILF is taking August off (while Dawn goes to Italy, HILF-Central!) and we will return with a NEW SEASON starting Wednesday, Sept. 7th. 

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