As Shelby and Dawn resume the tale of Mary Read and Anne Bonny from PART 1, they begin with a discussion of how they themselves earn their loot - not as pirates, but even more notorious - as entertainers in Los Angeles. 

00:00:00 - Shelby asks Dawn how she began doing stand-up comedy and Dawn explains how the path from being a Theater Major led her here. Dawn also explains why she loves comedy and how she considers the art of making others laugh to be a sacred one. 

00:04:15 - Dawn asks Shelby how she got into voice work. Shelby explains how she began acting on stage and on camera rather young and when she discovered voice acting she was hooked. Among other things, it was nice to be able to focus on something other than her physical appearance. 

00:07:15 - Shelby tells us about how she got the job of being the voice of Princess Leia and how it fells to be a part of the 'Star Wars Family'. 

00:08:10 - Shelby demonstrates some of her voices and characters (Including PIRATES!)

00:09:40 - Dawn talks about a job she had at The Science Museum of Minnesota representing both Mary Read and Anne Bonny among the artifacts of an actual pirate shipwreck, The Whydah

00:12:33 - Shelby has an impressive following on all social media - especially Tiktok. Dawn laments her own wayward use of the app... 

00:14:03 - WHEN LAST WE MET: We set sail again and catch up with where we left our story in Part 1

00:15:00 - Fact or Fiction: Peg Leg/ Hook Hand? 

FACT: Pirates were comparatively good about keeping a hurt or disabled cremate aboard, assigning them tasks that could accommodate their limitations. Thus the one-legged cook of lore.

00:16:25 - Shelby asks Dawn: Would you have been a pirate? Of course she would. Shelby's answer is more complex. 

00:18:20 - How did Mary meet Anne? Not entirely sure but Dawn relays her top theories. Were they lovers? Best friends? Both? History has no definitive answer. 

00:20:54 - Of the many incredible adventures had with Mary, Anne and Calico Jack - Dawn selects her three favorite tales. 

00:21:19 - Mutiny in the Woodes - Mary Read leads a fantastic mutiny aboard the ship of Privateer Woodes Rogers.00:23:16 - James Bonny successfully kidnaps Anne and drags her before a judge. It does not end well for him.00:25:58  - The arrest and trial of the merry band - all the way to their individual ends.


00:31:59 - Fact/Fiction: Buried Treasure: Mostly Fiction in the way it has been portrayed. 'Buried Treasure' more likely was shipwrecks among which loot was known to be recoverable. 

00:34:18 - The Skull & Crossbones Flag, like so much of the Pirates possessions, was stolen. It was originally a symbol of the Freemasons and was usurped by the pirates because it often was flown as a signal of 'no harm'.  Later, captains would design their own 'dark flags' that often still included skulls and other intimidating imagery. 

00:36:54 - Shelby asks: Were pirates competitive among each other. Dawn discusses Pirates of the Caribbean… begrudgingly.

00:39:22 - A Privateer is an individual that is so much like a pirate they're sometimes indistinguishable - but the lines are often very clear... to all but the executioner. 

00:41:10 - Dawn's Favorite PILF's 

00:41:19 - Blackbeard. Who isn't intrigued by Blackbeard. His imitating look and reputation were very much manufactured and bolstered by Edward Teach (his real name). Anything that would inspire surrender was utilized to avoid a fight. 

00:45:56 - Captain Kidd. More of a Pirate I'd Like to FUCK OFF, Captain Kidd was something of a volatile baby but fun enough to make the list. 

00:48:04 - Captain Grace O’Malley. A fiery red Irish pirate who had a memorable audience with Queen Elizabeth I. 

00:52:13 - Captain Lady Chang. Arguably the most successful pirate in history and among the very, very few to enjoy retirement and old age. 

00:56:45 - A fond farewell to Shelby Young and a promise to road trip together to Pirate Dinner Theater and share all of the photos with you, of course. 



EPISODE 11 - The History of Stand-UP with author Wayne Federman. We'll see you there 


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