Following the the Asama-Sansō Incident, the revolutionary movement in Japan was utterly finished. However, for Fusako Shigenobu and the Japanese Red Army, the fight for International Communism had only just begun. 

Working out of Beirut, the few dozen radicals carried out some of the most well-known terrorist attacks in history, starting with the extremely bloody Lod Airport Massacre in 1972...

Today's guest is the editor of the show Steph Kingston! You can find her via her Twitter page, or listen to her excellent podcasts, including Love to Hate!

For more content follow me on @hikikomoripodcast on Instagram where I'll be posting photos relevant to this episode!

You can also find me on Twitter @sequencepod, or you can listen to my other podcasts Final Fanservice and Not Another Film on any big podcast app.

Sources: - Fusako Shigenobu Mainichi Shimbun - Interview with Okamoto NBC - Carlos the Jackal on Trial Aljazeera - Interview with May Shigenobu Japanese Wikipedia - Japanese Red Army Wikipedia - The Lod Airport Massacre

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