Each year (that does not take place during the global plague) in Himeji, the Nada no Kenka Festival is held on October 14th and 15th. It's extremely loud, colourful, fun and drunken. It can also be rather intensely dangerous to both participants and spectators alike...

Today's guest is Tony Srimongka! You can find him via his Twitter page, and can watch him play games over on his Twitch channel.

For more content follow me on @hikikomoripodcast on Instagram where I'll be posting photos relevant to this episode!

You can also find me on Twitter @sequencepod, or you can listen to my other podcasts Final Fanservice and Not Another Film on any big podcast app.


These “Mikoshi Dako” are the badges of honour from a Japanese festival - Sora News 24 Nada Matsuri  Breathtakingly Dangerous: Nada Kenka Matsuri in Himeji - Zooming Japan

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