Prof. Aleida Assmann is one of the leading lights of international memory studies. Prof. Astrid Erll interviewed her in a video that can be viewed here: In this podcast I try to summarize Prof. Assmann’s points in my own words, which may be helpful to those students familiar with a different vernacular or just … Continue reading My Summary of Prof. Aleida Assmann’s views in her video interview on “Cultural Memory” →


Prof. Aleida Assmann is one of the leading lights of international memory studies. Prof. Astrid Erll interviewed her in a video that can be viewed here: In this podcast I try to summarize Prof. Assmann’s points in my own words, which may be helpful to those students familiar with a different vernacular or just beginning to familiarize themselves with memory studies. My interpretation of her views on memory studies are just that, mine, and are presented in the hope that they are expressed clearly and correctly.
