Meet Stephen Rosen the managing director and founding partner and Leah Jones, the director of financial planning at HighTower Bethesda.

In this premiere episode, Leah and Stephen explain who HighTower Bethesda is, what they do, and the purpose of starting two podcasts. They share what is to be expected in the podcasts going forward. 

“Our goal with this podcast is to provide insightful content and make an impact in people’s lives through relevant content.”- Leah Jones

Key points:

Get to know HighTower Bethesda, their team, and what they do. 
What are the main objectives of this podcast?
Leah talks about her experience, personal life, and what you should expect from her.
Topics to be discussed in the two podcasts that they’re going to produce.
Stephen shares his experience in the financial industry and his contribution to the podcast
Leah will be looking towards the business owner’s standpoint and helping people going through a divorce.
Stephen will be focusing on the investments side of things and what is going on in the world.

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