In this episode, we speak with Brian LoDestro, a senior portfolio strategist from Prudential Financial, about the most recent market bottoms and what’s going on in the fixed income market. He discusses how the market is different than what we’ve seen over the course of the past few weeks. He provides insight on how we got to the bottom of the markets on March 23, where we are today and where he thinks we will be over the next several months.


“Because we will get back to the economy of 2019, the high watermark. We will. The only question is when?” -Brian LoDestro [22:11]


What You Will Learn:

[01:24] How we got to where we are

[09:34] Where we were at the beginning of the year

[13:21] Where we’re heading

[16:54] Why money is not flowing from the fixed income

[22:55] How to mitigate volatility

[23:42] If negative interest rates will continue

[27:06] Top spots that present a value or risk reward

[34:31] The impetus for federal to make purchases



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