Here are the Headlines, - Israeli army releases footage of first operational use of "Iron Sting" munition destroying rocket launcher. -Israel to Iran: If Hezbollah Joins War, 'Head of the Snake ' will be cut off. -U.S. Students are clashing over the Israel-Hams war. What can colleges do? -Meet the Republicans Running for Speaker of the House. -Lost Michigan Toddler is found asleep in woods using a family dog as a pillow. -Arizona and Florida experience an increase in the number of ex-Californians. -Shocked, Saddened, Horrified' Funeral set for Detroit synagogue leader fatally stabbed. -Messaged Channeled from St. Gabriel to humanity. -Nancy will be at the 22nd annual Conscious Life Expo February 9-12 2024. Worship will be on the 11th the LAX Hilton in the City of Angels.