Dale Rich joins me from Johannesburg, the city of gold in South Africa. She is an empath, spiritual teacher and healer. He has been offering various healing methods for 32 years. On the show Dale explains the power of the sacred mandalas and the significance of color. Mandalas are a sacred art/circle with a centre symbolizing wholeness. It is an ancient healing tool using the power of color and patterns. Dale does a fabulous meditation for us with Butterfly wings on the show. Great conversation and important information for humanity. Dale's email address is : [email protected] Pick up a copy of my book; Wake Up! The Universe is Speaking to You https://rb.gy/s0ndzk Visit NancyYearout.com to listen to the Podcast, Read New Messages from Archangel Gabriel or to Book Your angel Reading. https://www.nancyyearout.com Meet me in LA in march at the Conscious Life Expo 2024 at my Angel workshop Meet me in Florida in March in Boca/Deerfild beach at the New Life Expo March 16th and 17th 2024. Get Your Wings!