Alison Grey is a Medium and a Reiki Master and a Crystal Healer. She says that she grew from a primary teacher to a spiritual teacher. In her new book, "The Mindful Medium" she shares a wealth of information for anyone who is interested in learning more about the spiritual path and connecting to their Higher Self, God and the Angelic realm and Guides. We talk about the Angle numbers and the signs we are given to guide us, the light workers here on the planet and the star children and their importance. Great interview and a fabulous book. Thank you Alison for coming on the show and sharing your story. Her website is

I will be doing in person Angel Readings here in the New England area or you can connect with me by phone of by Zoom. Visit to book your Angel Reading and to see my upcoming events. My new book will be available to order soon, " A Gide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law" Love Nancy