Things... things. There are lots of things. But, typically, depending on what the media is focused on, there is always a "current thing". Even before the internet people have always been told to support the most "current thing" without question. 

But today with social media, it is easier than ever to show your support for the "current thing". From wearing a mask to posting a picture of your post vax to adding the Ukraine Flag in your bio. Because most people have good hearts, it makes for a society of easy targets that blinding go from supporting one issue to the next. And without even understanding the true complexities of a problem, it can never truly be addressed and solved. This is why we find ourselves in a loop of problems with no solutions. 

 This week's episode topic is inspired by the OG NPC meme, representing folks who struggle to make their own decisions. Hey, gotta love a good meme! Tune into this episode to hear our take on "I support the current thing" culture.

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