A new mobile harm reduction unit has been launched in Dublin.

It will operate four times a week and provide sterile equipment such as needles and crack pipes.

The 'Vana Liffey' launched on International Overdose Awareness Day and aims to reduce the risk of drug related harms.

A new mobile harm reduction unit has been launched by @AnaLiffey.
‘The Vanna Liffey’ will operate in Dublin four times a week.
It aims to reduce the risk of drug related harms, and link people to support services. @tonyduffin @austinoc_austin @NTBreakfast pic.twitter.com/5VbX8a65Jk
— Josh Crosbie (@JoshCrosbie3) September 6, 2021

Our reporter Josh Crosbie met with The Ana Liffey Drug Project which is behind the initiative and spoke with those who use the service.

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