COVID-19 – also known as coronavirus – has disrupted our world in unprecedented ways. Though Bob Jones University has no diagnosed cases, the virus has still changed the course of this semester as students will finish their academic responsibilities through online means.

In this time of fear and misunderstanding, I thought it would be valuable to hear expert opinions from two professors from BJU’s School of Health Professions who have expertise in community and global health.

I want to thank Dr. Amy Hicks and Dr. Bernard Kadio for coming to my office and providing a thorough, thoughtful and balanced explanation of the threat that coronavirus poses to our world. I believe you’ll find this conversation not only informative, but also encouraging.

I also want to encourage you to remember that God is in control and will use this situation for His glory. Let us honor Him in our actions and responses during this unusual time.

To learn more about Bob Jones University’s response to the coronavirus, please visit