Bob Jones University just finished an amazing week of Bible Conference. God used our theme of “Sanctify Them” from John 17:17 to work in my life and the lives of our students. Each service was livestreamed and recorded so that you can benefit from them now.

Not only that, but God allowed us to meet our goal of raising $200,000 for the Hope Christian Health Center in the Ivory Coast. In a previous episode, I talked to Dr. Bernard Kadio about how this money will meet both physical and spiritual needs in that country.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to honor Dr. Les Ollila with the Lifetime in Leadership Award. Dr. Ollila has been a good friend and mentor for many years and God has used him to mold the next generation of leaders.

In today’s episode, I talk with Dr. Sam Horn, Dr. Rand Hummel and Will Galkin about the Bible Conference theme and about their ministries. Hope you enjoy our conversations!