Today's episode covers  (one of) the most important variables to developing the Higher Self Connection.  The Higher Self Connection is a process and a lifestyle.  It is not a one and done connection.  Yes you can listen to meditations to connect to your higher self, but you don't need to be in meditation to feel the connection.  With awareness you can discern what you are aligned to and decide if that is the version of you that you would like to listen to in any given moment.  Self-awareness is the light of consciousness.  With awareness you can begin to see the false narrative you have running in your mind and call BS on some of your excuses and limiting beliefs that you tell yourself to keep happiness just outside of your reach.  To cultivate awareness stop and ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing, what do you hope to gain from the action you are taking, what motivates you to act the way you do in any given situation.  Become radically responsible for what it is that is driving your behavior and decide if it is serving you or holding you back.  Practicing awareness also helps you "see" or "feel" when you are being inspired by your higher self or limited by your ego.


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