It’s mid-October here in New York State and the days are getting longer, darker and colder. The first thing I notice during this season is the drying of my skin. You know that feeling when you get out of the shower and your face feels tight? Or when your hands are suddenly rough and scratchy? We are in that season but don’t fret!
 Today I’m chatting with Michelle Giamberdino, owner of Face Fitness. Michelle has decades of experience in the skin care world and is the owner and Skin guru at Face Fitness where she helps women and men love the skin, they’re in.
Michelle recommends a few key things to do NOW in order to prep your skin for the winter:
1.  Hydrate—drink an ample amount of water each day. You don’t want your skin to look like a dry sponge.
2.  Moisturize—this will help prevent acne and create a great barrier between your COVID mask and your skin. No more mask-ne!
3.   Use sunscreen—we need this year-round regardless of the weather. It will prevent aging and burning.
Check out Michelle’s website for a ton of fabulous tips and information on getting your best skin.
Hydrate, moisturize and stay on that high wire!

It’s mid-October here in New York State and the days are getting longer, darker and colder. The first thing I notice during this season is the drying of my skin. You know that feeling when you get out of the shower and your face feels tight? Or when your hands are suddenly rough and scratchy? We are in that season but don’t fret!

 Today I’m chatting with Michelle Giamberdino, owner of Face Fitness. Michelle has decades of experience in the skin care world and is the owner and Skin guru at Face Fitness where she helps women and men love the skin, they’re in.

Michelle recommends a few key things to do NOW in order to prep your skin for the winter:

1.  Hydrate—drink an ample amount of water each day. You don’t want your skin to look like a dry sponge.

2.  Moisturize—this will help prevent acne and create a great barrier between your COVID mask and your skin. No more mask-ne!

3.   Use sunscreen—we need this year-round regardless of the weather. It will prevent aging and burning.

Check out Michelle’s website for a ton of fabulous tips and information on getting your best skin.

Hydrate, moisturize and stay on that high wire!