This week on the High Wire Woman podcast, Rosanna Berardi is joined by special guest Em Hollis, who is the owner of The Freedom Project. She credits her amazing journey - from opiate addiction through a divorce to being the owner of The Freedom Project - to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work in psychology. According to Dispenza, what’s in your mind sets off a chain reaction throughout your decision-making that affects your life. 
You’ll hear Rosanna and Em Hollis talk about:

The society-wide victim mindset. 

Taking pride in who you are.

How breathing the right way can shake off stress.

Listening to your body’s needs. 

“It's the most freeing thing in the world to really understand that it all starts and ends with you.”

Rosanna Berardi | LinkedIn
Rosanna Berardi | Berardi Immigration Law

Em Hollis on LinkedIn | Instagram
The Freedom Project

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter by Dr. Joe Dispenza

This week on the High Wire Woman podcast, Rosanna Berardi is joined by special guest Em Hollis, who is the owner of The Freedom Project. She credits her amazing journey - from opiate addiction through a divorce to being the owner of The Freedom Project - to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work in psychology. According to Dispenza, what’s in your mind sets off a chain reaction throughout your decision-making that affects your life. 


You’ll hear Rosanna and Em Hollis talk about:

The society-wide victim mindset. 
Taking pride in who you are.
How breathing the right way can shake off stress.
Listening to your body’s needs. 

“It's the most freeing thing in the world to really understand that it all starts and ends with you.”


Rosanna Berardi | LinkedIn

Rosanna Berardi | Berardi Immigration Law

Em Hollis on LinkedIn | Instagram

The Freedom Project

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter by Dr. Joe Dispenza