This week on the High Wire Woman podcast, Rosanna Berardi is talking about being there for your children. Parenting in itself is a hard job, one of the hardest jobs in the world, but she makes the point that a lot of the time, we parents make it harder than it needs to be. Coddling our children in the misguided hopes of protecting them won’t help us, and won’t help our children develop as responsible individuals.

You'll hear Rosanna talk about:

The parental inventory.

The ‘parenting memo’.

How parenting has changed from generation to generation.

Why you have to let your kids lose sometimes.

We need to stop trying to protect our children from every possible unpleasant event or emotion and just spend time with them. Put your phone down, and just be there.

Rosanna Berardi | LinkedIn
Rosanna Berardi | Berardi Immigration Law

This week on the High Wire Woman podcast, Rosanna Berardi is talking about being there for your children. Parenting in itself is a hard job, one of the hardest jobs in the world, but she makes the point that a lot of the time, we parents make it harder than it needs to be. Coddling our children in the misguided hopes of protecting them won’t help us, and won’t help our children develop as responsible individuals.

You'll hear Rosanna talk about:

The parental inventory.
The ‘parenting memo’.
How parenting has changed from generation to generation.
Why you have to let your kids lose sometimes.

We need to stop trying to protect our children from every possible unpleasant event or emotion and just spend time with them. Put your phone down, and just be there.


Rosanna Berardi | LinkedIn

Rosanna Berardi | Berardi Immigration Law