Former Secretary of Education William Bennet once said, "If we have stronger families we will have stronger schools, stronger churches, and stronger communities with less poverty and less crime. The family is the linchpin of society, both economically and socially.” Our government leaders understand that the state of the family affects the state of the nation. That is why there is so much discussion about families during an election season. We live in a day when there is a lot of conversation about what makes a family strong. What does God say about the family?

Former Secretary of Education William Bennet once said, “If we have stronger families we will have stronger schools, stronger churches, and stronger communities with less poverty and less crime. The family is the linchpin of society, both economically and socially.” Our government leaders understand that the state of the family affects the state of the nation. That is why there is so much discussion about families during an election season. We live in a day when there is a lot of conversation about what makes a family strong. What does God say about the family?