Episode 73: The Curse of Dudleytown

Noelle walks us through the Curse of Dudleytown, CT.

This episode features MEGAN FROM THE SHOW! (Hi, Megan Ensley!)

1. Dudleytown, CT was founded as a small settlement in the mid 1700s and was abandoned in the 1800s. (Sounds nice!)
2. A local rumor alleges that the founders of Dudleytown were descended from Edmund Dudley, an English nobleman who was beheaded for treason. (The Dudley family was placed under a curse! Neat!)
3. Dudleytown was located in a valley, known as the Dark Entry Forest. (What a lovely name. Let’s go!)
4. Reports of hauntings and sightings: Apparitions in the woods, paranormal photographs, feelings of terror, mysterious lights, being touched, pushed and scratched by unseen hands. (Seriously. Let’s go!)
5. Due to rumors of ghost activity beginning in the 1980s, the village site has been subject to frequent vandalism, and the owners have since closed the land to the public. (See you there! Bring snacks and a flashlight!)

Sweet Dreams! XOXOZzzzzzz.