Coach Rob Brokaw from Archbishop Bergan high school is located in Fremont Nebraska. Coach Brokaw has done an outstanding job at his school and even though it is a smaller school he is really making huge improvements in the sports performance of the athletes there. A really awesome thing we will talk about is the High school strength clinic that is coming up this April and he has some big name speakers coming. He had a ton of success last year with it and is ready to make it even better this year. Rob Brokaw is in his 4th year as the Strength Coach of Archbishop Bergan High School in Fremont Nebraska. He is a graduate of Nebraska Wesleyan University with a degree in Exercise Science. He is a Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach with the NSCA and also has a sports performance certification from the USAW. He loves his job as a strength coach and loves working with the athletes he trains. Being in Nebraska he has  tons of great coaches there as resources and he for sure reaches out to learn more. He is doing an awesome job at Bergan. 

Contact Coach: 

email: [email protected]

twitter: Strength Coach Rob

Facebook Page: Archbishop Bergan Strength

My info:

My name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching.  Thanks for checking out the website.  It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes.  This is why I created this podcast. I hope  you find it useful and valuable!


 Contact me at [email protected]


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