Gayle Smerdon helps focus and re-energise workplaces by doing what matters. As a passionate and experienced Learning & Organisational Development professional, she knows that given the right environment and support, people have immense capability waiting to be revealed. She helps government and not-for-profit organisations be their best by bringing out the best in their people, their leaders and their teams. Her qualification include a PhD in the Social Sciences, a Grad. Dip. in Psychology as well as certifications in several psychometric and personality inventories.

We talk about doing one thing and doing it deep, rather than getting overwhelmed by too many projects or not being able to finish anything. She talks about making one small incremental change that takes a long time, and doing that in many different ways. She shares why it's important to understand the different thinking preferences that people have, the power of coaching and asking questions, and how to create an environment where giving and receiving feedback works better.

Gayle also covers the benefits of doing small experiments when making a change and getting everyone involved in a way that is fun, as well as looking at the environmental changes that support wellness rather than try to get someone to be healthy in a stressful environment.

You can find out more about Gayle Smerdon here:


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