The Mayo Clinic, one of the top hospitals in the US, recommends assertiveness to reduce stress, anger, and improve coping skills.

Assertiveness is one of those skills that nobody teaches, everyone misunderstands, and that can solve many problems.

Ivna Curi is the CEO and founder of, which helps people in organisations (with a big focus on women), to speak up effectively with assertive communication eg: disagreeing, getting ideas across, asking for what they need to be successful, handling conflict, giving effective feedback etc, without coming across as aggressive or difficult.

She has a background in electrical engineering, specifically analytics, as well as international business, and management consulting.

She is a Forbes contributor and holds a Masters in Business Administration from INSEAD (a leading MBA program outside of the U.S). She has also lived and worked around the world in 4 continents for Fortune 500 companies.

In this episode Ivna explains that one of the big misconceptions we have about assertiveness is that we think it’s about being aggressive, when in reality, it’s very different. This misunderstanding can cause problems. She shares what assertiveness actually is, some key mindsets to cultivate it, how to start being more assertive, and what to do if you make a mistake as you’re learning to be more assertive.

Find out more about Ivna Curry and her work:

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