Freelancing is both a blessing and a curse.   It’s a blessing because you’re in charge. You call the shots — not some overpaid and incompetent boss who has no business managing people.   But freelancing is also a curse ... because you’re on your own. Which means that you have to wear all the hats. And when you’re pulled in so many directions, your income can suffer.   Fortunately, there are things you can do to help offset this. And one of the most important is to lower your cost of project acquisition.   When you lower the cost and effort required to land that next project, you can spend more time on billable activities and less time wearing all those other hats I mentioned earlier.   Or less time doing client work and more with your family or working on interesting personal projects—without negatively impacting your income.   How can you do that? That’s the topic of this week’s short podcast episode, where I walk you through 4 specific and practical ideas for earning more in less time.   Enjoy!