Rob Kerr had a number of false starts in his own career before finding his path. A project manager for over a decade, he set up his first business in

2014 to improve his own work and family life.

Today, he works with aspiring entrepreneurs, contractors, and freelancers, supporting them through these critical decisions and showing them how to flourish on their own unique journey.

Rob’s bestselling book ‘Project Future: 6 Steps to Success as Your Own Boss’ takes the inspiration from project management techniques, and shows you how to test your ideas, get clarity, and launch a successful independent career.

Listen to this Podcast to learn:

- How he overcame confusion in his early career to working out his path to become a project manager.

- Applying project management techniques to the day-to-day running of a business.

- The importance of self-evaluation.

- Lessons learned embedded into a company culture.

- Understanding how you can let go and know someone’s still going to deliver.

- Why you need checkpoint reviews & reviews that are based on milestones.

- Rob’s no. 1 tip on Leadership.