We have had people from the worlds of business and sport, so this week I’m really fired up because today’s guest is from both!

So, welcome to Jodie Cook. Jodie is an entrepreneur, author, and an elite athlete on a mission to see what she is capable of and help others do the same.

She built and recently sold the marketing agency she started at age 22.

She writes books and articles on the topic of entrepreneurship, including for Forbes, and she competes for Great Britain in Powerlifting.

Jodie writes about how to run a business without it running you, how to live an extraordinary life while running a business, and how to bring the best version of yourself to every single day.

Her books include Stop acting like you’re going to live forever and How to raise entrepreneurial kids which we have a copy of and our ten year old son has enjoyed! Her new book - Ten Year Career: Reimagine business, design your life, fast track your freedom - is available now.

Listen to Learn:

-How to become the number 1 in your marketplace and be in the position to write your own cheques.

- Why you need to ask yourself what kind of work you really want to do, and what excites you.

- How to walk away from money (for the better).

- Which techniques in elite powerlifting can be applied to your business.

- How to find the right customer: Rabbits, Deer, and Elephants.

- Why measuring your business success on how busy you are, isn’t a true metric.

- Jodie’s BIG wakeup call that led her to systemising her business.

- Why you must STOP being everyone’s PA.

- What a “useful” person actually is.

- Why you cannot manage people.

- The catalyst for selling her business.

- The ONE thing that is the difference for business owners loving life or hating life.

- The power of gratitude and giving thanks as part of your culture.

For more information:

For Jodie’s new book > Ten Year Career: Reimagine business, design your life, fast track your freedom.

For Jodie’s TEDx talk >https://youtu.be/-dpzA3XDRFY

Or visit > jodiecook.com