This week I’m joined by one of the world’s experts in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in the field of SMEs, Jeremy Harbour, live from Dubai. I’ve known Jeremy for a few years now, having been part of his Harbour Club, via opportunities in Singapore, and have enjoyed his books.

In the late 1990’s, Jeremy acquired a competitor of the telecommunications he owned – without cash or involving a bank. Proving that necessity truly is the mother of invention, he figured out a deal structure that worked for the company he wanted to buy. In a single afternoon, he grew by a year’s worth of sales – and that solidified it – he became a deal junkie.

Since then, Jeremy founded Unity Group, a firm specialising in attracting investments and creating opportunities for SMEs to scale, he has advised on more than 300 acquisitions of both distressed and solvent businesses.

Jeremy’s passion for changing the mindset of wealth creation fuelled the birth of Harbour Club where he teaches real tactics for buying, fixing, and selling businesses with no experience and no cash up front. With new members every month it has become a change engine for good – helping entrepreneurs excel at wealth creation so they can be problem solvers in their local communities.

Listen to Learn:

- Why M&A is a great way to grow quicker, and why it’s the solution for everything

- How it’s easier working ON a business you’ve bought, rather than one you’ve started

- Be the buyer, not the seller

- Why having Capital to buy can make you lazy

- Why you must be a MOTIVATED buyer or seller

- Be realistic on your valuation

- The 3 key drivers of value

- Why a big business can be a group of smaller businesses

- The importance of leaving the entrepreneur in charge

- Why you must start before you’re ready

- How M&A is life-changing and will give you time & financial freedom

- Getting rid of the ego!

For more information contact:

Twitter: @JeremyJHarbour

Instagram: @harbour.jeremy


Buy Jeremy’s book and get a free email course: GoDo.Deals