Host Dr. Dawson Church and his guest Emily Francis talk about healing ourselves especially where trauma is involved.

The mind has an ability to check out in many situations when someone experiences trauma. Some refer to it as shock. For example: after an accident, more times than not the person will be hazy about the experience and cannot properly recall the entire set of events. We basically separate ourselves from any impact that may be occurring to the body itself. That is a gift of the mind that helps us to survive. The body, however, does not have that same luxury. The body cannot leave itself. The body takes the pain and absorbs the trauma. The way that our bodies store those particular memories is different from the way that our minds may remember it.  When we learn how to dialogue with our body directly in order to recall the memories as they actually occurred and without the narrative of the mind, we can help our body release the stored pain and trauma that may have eluded us in our attempts to heal to this point. On the flip side, an important piece of the work offered Emily’s book and work, is to use the same dialoguing skills with the body to access the happy and joyful memories that the soft tissues store in order to produce more of the same. Following this guidance, we can create within ourselves a place of overall connectedness and personal empowerment. This can result in an increase in overall health, vitality, and wellness that can drastically improve our quality of life.

Guest Bio: Emily A. Francis is a speaker, author, and wellness expert who has studied many types of healing including Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki and neuromuscular massage therapy. Emily is the creator of the Muscle Emotion Chart and the host of the radio show All About Healing on Healthy Life Radio. She earned a Master’s of Science in Physical Education with a concentration in Human Performance. Emily is originally from Atlanta, GA, and currently resides in Malta. Her latest book is called Healing Ourselves Whole. Follow her journey at

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#mindtomatter #eftuniverse #blissbrain #trauma #healingourselves #malta #reiki #wellness