What does it mean to live a Spark filled life? It means waking up to a morning filled with possibility and potential that you intentionally plug into. It means moving past your PAST and leaning in fully to the present moment to create the kind of future you want, full of joy, abundance, and magical moments! The Spark is compelling and inspiring, guidance from Stephanie James, LCSW, who has drawn on her skills and vast experience as a psychotherapist. Stephanie shares current research techniques that helps readers gain clarity and understanding to help them easily assimilate and integrate them into their own lives.

Beginning with an understanding of how our brains and beliefs can keep us stuck in old habits, as well as ways to transform these beliefs, The Spark takes you on a journey through learning how to rewire thoughts and change your inner dialogue. It further explores our deep, hardwired need for connection and how it serves us, and how you can spice up your love life and cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships!

Part of the collective wisdom of The Spark comes from its ability to not only educate the reader on how to deal with uncomfortable feelings, but how to ignite the sparks within each one of us to live a richer more fulfilling life. As we heal ourselves, we become the concentric rings that that ripple out to all others. The book moves us to heal and teaches us how to reinvent ourselves (no matter what age or stage in life), plug into our greatest joy, and contribute our own gifts to the greater good in our world.

Uniquely equipped for times like these, Psychotherapist Stephanie James brings 30 years of rea-world experience, empowerment and “grit” to her clients and her audiences. A graduate of the University of Denver, Stephanie shares her training and gifts in her inspirational presentations as well as in her dynamic radio show and podcast, The Spark with Stephanie James. In a world desperately in need of love, healing and a clear path forward, Stephanie utilizes her expertise, experience and amazing interviews with today’s luminaries to bring The Spark to your life. She ignites her own life by being a leader in a local Random Acts of Kindness group, spending time with her two daughters and jumping on the trampoline with her grandsons.

Stephanie and co-producer Doug Beechwood recently completed a film, When Sparks Ignite, written by Stephanie and directed by Doug. The film features luminaries and thought leaders on a unique journey through life’s hardship and heartaches, to a place of healing where transformation of our own lives and that of our greater humanity is possible. We never know what sparks we might ignite in one another.

Her website is www.stephaniejames.world/

Her podcast may be found here: www.thesparkpod.com

Website for host, Dr. Dawson Church: http://www.dawsongift.com/

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