Author, mystic and meditation teacher, Stephen Altair launched Australia’s first health and lifestyle interactive television channel and has published 10 books. He collaborates with Dentsu Science Lab Japan, using EEG and HRV to measure the effect of shifts in consciousness on anxiety and stress in healthcare professionals. With Professor Gino Yu he works on the Phusikoi Project to collaborate with other mystics to grow community. He also works with Darren Tasker, co-founder of Vest Community Platform on The Wisdom Path, supporting trust, love and wisdom in VC funding. As a baby he was trained by his Godmother, a Mother Superior of the Carmelite Order, in the Centering Prayer. Later he studied with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Mingyur Rinpoche to integrate awake awareness with modern science on the path to self-realization.

Here he and Dawson share their perspectives on:

The “Great unknowing” and visualizing angels
Stephen's background
Meeting the Dalai Lama
Documenting over 30,000 lucid dreams over 15 years
Science and spirituality being split for centuries and how they are not coming together
Both unified field theory and neuroscience reveal a unified field of consciousness
A non-dual indivisible state
The experience is like being in love constantly
Mediating hours a day for 40 years
Seeing everyone as the buddha, and the ground looks like a mandala
Stephen being tested in various labs
Making conscious check-ins your daily practice
How can we help humanity integrate with the unified field of the universe?

For more about Stephen:

And for more about Dawson:

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