Ellen Meredith is the author of Your Body Will Show You the Way and The Language Your Body Speaks. She has been in practice since 1984 as an energy healer, conscious channel, and medical intuitive, helping over ten thousand clients and students worldwide. Asan energy medicine practitioner, Ellen helps clients engage with the body's energies to activate healing. She teaches energy medicine courses on the Shift Network and has served on the faculty of energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden since 2010.

Here she and Dawson discuss:

Tuning into your body as a source of guidance
The situations our bodies face when we often aren’t listening
Outside-in thinking vs inside-out
How to get guidance from your body
Ask: “What’s going on, how can I positively influence it?
The power of reframing 
How focusing on results keeps us imprisoned
Play, experiment, move, change

Ellen's website is: https://listening-in.com/

Dawson can be found at: http://www.dawsongift.com/


#eft #eftuniverse #mindtomatter #blissbrain #languageyourbodyspeaks #yourbodywillshowyoutheway #energypsychology