Lauren Walker has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997. She created Energy Medicine Yoga while teaching at Norwich University, the oldest private military college in the country.  She is frequently quoted and cited as an expert in Yoga Journal, Mantra Magazine, and Yoga Digest, and a feature article about her work was recently published in The New York Times. Her two previous books, The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription and Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice, both won Nautilus Silver Awards for Best Mind/Body publication. In 2016, she was named one of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America. Her latest book, The Energy to Heal, is an empowering and reassuring guide for our stressful and traumatic times.

Dawson wrote an endorsement for Lauren's book, The Energy to Heal:

"In this book Lauren Walker eloquently reminds us that our bodies have a remarkable ability to heal, that they contain boundless energy, and that we can harness it intentionally. She provides many vivid examples of how we instinctively turn to energy, using interventions as simple as massaging a sore muscle or humming a soothing tune. Yet energy techniques can also be used to unblock the trauma we all experience. It's stored in your body's muscles, organs and connective tissue as energy. Unless we release that trauma, it weighs down both our bodies and minds. The book's central chapters are based on the Chinese medicine Five Elements model, and each contains practical exercises to free old energy and refresh the new. Energy needs to move, and the exercises the author provides show you how to open up space in your body for that movement. Because each of us has so much control over our personal energy, it's the first place to focus on when our intention is to heal a disease, manifest abundance, or cultivate happiness. This inspiring book shows you how."

Lauren can be found at:

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