Jan L. Watkins, JD, MSW is a coach and psychotherapist in the Washington, DC area. She helps clients work through difficult emotions and eliminate barriers to empowered living. Jan has used EFT for more than 15 years and is an EFT Expert Practitioner, Trainer, and Mentor. She offers her own trainings and workshops in energy psychology. She is a contributing author to the Clinical EFT Handbook.

She and Dawson cover topics such as:

The way limiting beliefs often have both a physical and emotional component
How trainings give you a quick start to success with EFT 
How EMDR and EFT can be used together in therapy
Case studies
How to find the type of EFT training that’s best for you
What happens when we use EFT to clear emotional reactivity
The changes you experience after EFT training 

Jan can be found at: https://janwatkins.com/

And Dawson at: http://www.dawsongift.com/


Note this episode was recorded originally live for HealthyLife.net on October 5, 2017.

#efttraining #eftcertification #eftuniverse #eft #difficultemotions #trauma #limitingbeliefs