Dr. Lisa Miller is the author of The Awakened Brain: The Psychology of Spirituality. She is founder of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Columbia University and has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles on spirituality and mental health in youth and family. She is also the former President of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Society of Psychology & Spirituality, and editor of The Oxford University Press Handbook of Psychology & Spirituality and Editor-in-Chief of the APA journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Here she and Dawson enthusiastically share their insights on:

We’re born with a natural state of spiritual awareness
Spirituality is ⅓ innate, and ⅔ culturally formed
Everyone has an awakened brain naturally
Dr. Miller’s research
Tsai’s study of 3,000 vets with PTSD
How trauma can expand our ability for love and forgiveness
Why our culture has no road map for these spiritual growth spurts
The different questions we ask ourselves at each life stage
Seeing that often the awakening takes the form of an existential crisis
You can access the transcendent through service, meditation, nature, other ways

Dr. Lisa Miller can be reached at:  www.lisamillerphd.com

And find host Dr. Dawson Church at: https://dawsonchurch.com/


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