Michelle Madrid is the author of Let Us Be Greater: A Gentle, Guided Path to Healing for Adoptees and host of the Electricity of You Podcast. She is an international adoptee, former foster child in the UK, and an adoptee empowerment life coach who has been recognized as an Angels in Adoption® Honoree by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) and inducted into the New Mexico Women’s Hall of Fame for her work in adoption.

Here she and Dawson talk about:

Michelle’s background
“Logos of limitation”
Diminished sense of worth and beliefs of being unworthy and unlovable
Beliefs that grow within the silence
Silence hinders healing
The impact of Louise Hay’s book, “You Can Heal Your Life”
A personal journey of evolution
Getting curious about recurring thoughts because they’re becoming beliefs
Each of us has a unique electricity that can light up the world
Who in your community might reinforce your belief in your greatness?
Reconnecting with your truest voice and authentic self
When we change ourselves internally we change the world

To learn more about Michelle, her coaching, podcast, and book: https://themichellemadrid.com/

And connect with Dawson at: https://dawsonchurch.com/


#adoption #eft #mindtomatter #youcanhealyourlife #blissbrain #healing