Bob Gardner is author of the book ‘Built for Freedom’ and host of the podcast ‘Alive and Free’. He uses a body-based approach to happiness, health, and well-being incorporating tools like martial arts, breathwork, functional psychology, and deep tissue release. He specializes in helping people through patterns of pain, depression, anxiety, and addiction.

Here Bob and Dawson discuss:

When the brain has an opinion about what’s going on in the body, how do we change it
How tension in body can eventually produce pain, and what bodywork can do to help
The way breath, movement, and voice produce neurotransmitters
When pain, addictions, posture, all these things that can affect the body’s pH
Relaxation protocol before bed
Starting and ending of your day right
Benefits of pattern interrupts

For more information about Bob, his work, and his incredible book:

And for more on host Dr. Dawson Church:


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