Matthew Sweigart is the primary instructor and director of the HeartMind Shiatsu Professional Training.  Supervising all levels of HeartMind Shiatsu Training in Theory, Practice and Clinical Supervision. He began his own training in 1985, founding Ohashiatsu® Chicago in 1988, where he taught and practiced with the Ohashi Institute curriculum for 18 years. In addition to Ohashiatsu®, Matthew has studied with many Qi masters and shaman over the years, including Li Junfeng, Roger Jahnke, Jeffrey Yuen, Paul Pitchford, Sun Bear, Alberto Villoldo and Brandt Secunde. Since moving to Northern California in 2000, he has developed the HeartMind Shiatsu curriculum, blending Ohashiatsu, Zen Shiatsu, Qigong, Classical Chinese Medicine and Shamanic Wisdom.  Matthew is the author of Pathways of Qi, Touching Ki, HeartMind Meridian Qigong, Elemental Meditations, Harmonizing Heaven & Earth DVD and its Companion Manual, and the HeartMind Shiatsu Meridian Gestures and Functions Chart. He is the proud father of two awesome young men.

In this episode, Matthew and Dawson discuss:

* How Matthew's early experiences as a gymnast and singer set him up for a career in bodywork

* The history of Shiatsu. Shi = finger, atsu = pressure

* Balancing the 6 channels of yin and 6 of yang

* The correct amount of finger pressure to apply

* Reading the body’s energy

* Can you do Shiatsu on yourself?

* Qi Gong (means “life energy cultivation”) lowers cortisol and boosts dopamine

* Manifestation story: “I need a break”

Matthew can be reached at:

Dawson can be reached at:


Note this episode was recorded originally live for on September 19, 2016. 

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