Rick Leskowitz is a consultant psychiatrist to the Pain Management Program at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, where he is also the Director of the Integrative Medicine Project. As a board-certified psychiatrist, he holds an appointment with the Departments of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical Schools. He has studied energy healing, meditation, and hypnosis for over 30 years. He has presented workshops nationally and internationally on the integration of subtle energy techniques and theories with the allopathic medical model. He serves on the Advisory Boards of three journals and has written widely for medical and lay journals. He has also edited two textbooks: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: Gateway to Body, Mind and Spirit, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rehabilitation. His documentary film about group energies in baseball (and life), “The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention”, will be broadcasted on PBS.

Here Rick and Dawson discuss:

* The reaction to mentioning meditation 40 years ago 

* The belief that matter follows energy

* The experiments of Burr in the 1930s and Becker in the 1960s

* The results of positive emotions 

* Human beings and magnetic fields 

* Soul and energy giving rise to matter

* How at the energy level, events may be choreographed

Rick can be reached at: http://sportsenergygroup.com/

Dawson can be reached at: http://dawsongift.com/


Note this episode was recorded originally live for HealthyLife.net on February 2, 2017. 

#eft #meditation #eftuniverse #mindtomatter #blissbrain #energy