Margaret Lynch Raniere is a Chemical Engineer and Success Coach. She became certified in the mind body techniques of EFT/Tapping (through Gary Craig) and is a Hypnotherapist. Here is where she puts her inner engineer archetype to work. As an engineer, her job was to synthesize massive amounts of information with the sole focus of applying it for a measurable result. She devoured thousands of case studies on this powerful mind-body 'Tapping Technique' until she reached expert status.

Here Margaret and Dawson discuss:

Subconscious vows that block money and success
Why marketing is sharing your gifts with others
Learning about Hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Techniques
Goal Trauma 
The very heavy emotion of shame 
Financial trauma and how it relates towards your debt
How Tapping moves the energy to support the healing of trauma
Transformation via raising of your consciousness

Margaret can be found at:

Dawson is at:

Note this episode was recorded originally live for on June 23, 2016.

#blissbrain #mindtomatter #eft #tapping #eftuniverse #wealth #manifestingwealth