In this solo episode, Dr. Dawson Church talks about unlocking your full human potential. How making the commitment to daily meditation in 2000 changed every facet of his life, from money to love to health to career. Ask yourself if you’re living a life of meaning and purpose.  Using the Bliss Brain meditations to remodel your brain and if you feel called to a life of service - you can discover or perhaps delve deeper into a life full of meaning and purpose. Psychology from Freud to Skinner to Rogers to Mead to Beck to Houston to Energy Psychology in the 1990s, Dawson has studied it all. The human potential movement of the 1960s; the confluence of psychology with spirituality after 2000 - while religions are very different, the experience of the mystics is one. Mysticism and peak states.  Let's do this! Heart and Science! A Bliss Brain.

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