Marc Lesser is a speaker, facilitator, workshop leader, and executive coach. He is the author of four books, including Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen, and CEO of ZBA Associates, an executive development and leadership consulting company. Lesser helped develop the world-renowned Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program within Google and was director of Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, the oldest Zen monastery in the Western world. He lives in Marin County, California, and leads Mill Valley Zen, a weekly meditation group.

In this episode, he and Dawson share about:

Bringing our highest values into every part of our lives
“Compassionate accountability”
Being “curiouser and curiouser” like Alice in Wonderland
How to handle problem behavior with compassion?
Stepping into the shoes of another and seeing things from their perspective
What to do about “difficult people” on our team?
Looking at your contribution to problems
Benefits of a consistent meditation practice
A call to action to make this day matter
Ask, “What can I do to bring joy and appreciation into my work, marriage, life, right now?”

For more about Marc Lesser and his newest book, Finding Clarity:

And for more about host Dr. Dawson Church:


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